Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I remember as a kid, I spent countless hours devouring books on Greek Mythology and ancient Greek culture. There was something about that time period that called to my soul like no other. In the stories about the Greek Heroes and Greek gods I found shelter from a cruel world.
I was very different than most kids my age. I loved to read and write from a very early age. I had a passion for art and always carried books and notebooks  and sketch pats to draw and write. For Christmas instead of toy cars or any of the other popular toys. I asked for boxes full of art supplies and books to read.  I remember how excited I was when I first got my first type writer. I still miss the clacking sound of its keys whenever I type on my computer.
I as label as the "weird kid." Even some parents advise their children to stay away from me.  I would cry for hours after school some days when the other kids would teas me for being "Weird" My grandmother would comfort me and tell me "one day my heart, one day you will meet lots of people just like you. You will help them find their light, you will help them shine. As they will help you do the same." She then would launch into a dramatic retelling of one of the many stories she knew. I' m still unsure how she always had a fresh new story every time but they never failed to comfort me.
One of these Stories was about a beautiful, golden god Named Apollo. My Grams said… "The god Apollo is the twin brother of the goddess Artemis  she is the goddess of the hunt and moon. Apollo a brave god, of truth, music, the arts and the gift of prophecy. Slayed a giant snake who chased his mother all over the world. He shot two arrows into the snakes eyes, he had perfect aim, both him and his sister where the gods of archery."
"Wow! Grams I like Apollo!" I said, I remember how excited I was till this day. I felt an instant connection to this god grams spoke about in her tale.
"After blinding the dark snake, Apollo quickly dispatched it and the snake was no more. His mother was safe and the world rejoiced in his bravery."
"Tell me more about Apollo Grams" I shrieked bursting with excitement.
"I'll tell you what…Close your eyes. Call on Apollo ask for him to show you more of whom he is." she responded.
"Can I do that? Will he answer?"
"Of course my heart, you can do anything. There is nothing you can't do!"
My grandmother always told me that there was nothing you couldn't do. You just had to be whiling to work hard  at it, and stay focused.
For the next four days I sat for hours calling on Apollo. Asking him to show me more, to tell me more, about his great heroics. Nothing happened…
On the fourth day, after an hour of trying to stay focused and ask Apollo to "show me something…anything" I fell a sleep.
I had a dream, that I will never forget. It is one of the very few dreams I will always remember.  I sat on a garden, this is the garden where most of my "vision dreams" or visions I have during meditation happen. I call it my inner garden My inner sanctuary. I sat there in my garden, when I noticed a man sitting in a bench made out of some sort of stone. The bench I remember being beautiful, the man looked like a super hero.  He has shirtless with leather pants and a bow across his back. He had short messy blond hair, eyes that glowed like the morning sun and  a warm ,loving smile as he looked at me.  He said "My little Oracle, it is good to see that you have not lost your strong will. That in this life, where you are still so young your will is a force to be reckoned with…."

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