Saturday, October 6, 2012

I spy with my Third Eye something that begins with the letter A...

I still remember the first time I saw an Angel. I was 7,  I had been playing near the woods, during a youth and children church retreat. The older boys where setting the tents, as the instructors and chaperons watched and aided anyone that needed help. I felt like I did at most places, like I din't belong. So I retreated to do what I did best, went off to the world of pretend and imagination.
 This time I was hunting down an evil Dragon Sorcerror, who had stolen a powerful tome of magic from the kingdom which I had sworn to protect, Atlantis. The evil Dragon had escape to the dark forest out side of the  of the kingdoms reach. It was up to me to hunt him down, recover the book and slay him.
After what felt like a few minutes, I realized that I had wondered deeper into the woods than I had intended. The sun was dipping under the horizon and some of the nocturnal creatures of the woods where beginning to great the twilight with their songs. The sense of dread began to invade all of my senses. My breath turn quick and shallow, my eyes blurred and stung as I tried to hold back tears. As I began to realize that I was now lost in the woods. It would be hours I thought before anyone noticed I was lost, "if they even realize your gone." A raspy cold voice said.
"They will! They have to! God please help me. I'll be a good boy I promise!" I yelled full of desperation. My voice horse from holding myself back from crying. A dragon slayer never cried, we where strong folk.
"Hey, what are you doing out here by yourself?" a soft, whispery voice said.
"Hunting a Dragon!" I responded once again full of courage, remembering the first rule of dragon slaying. "A dragon Slayer must never show anyone weakness."
"Did, you get him?" I could hear the excitement in her voice. Her bright big blue eyes glowed, with excitement.
"Yes! I Did, but I Don't know there dark woods well and I.. am.. umm.. lost.." I said whispering the last part as I stared at the ground.
"Oh, I live in these woods. I can help you find your way.. You called me you know?"
"I did...?" I murmured
"Of course, you prayed for help remember. I am Alanis. I was sent to help." she extended her hand out. I unsure what to do gave it a semi-high five. She giggled a musical laugh, "so should we find your way back?" I  nodded. "Not very talkative are you?" she said.
"I am." I responded slightly offended at what I thought sounded like an accusation. I had been called a lot of things but "not talkative" was not one of them. "I'm just not supposed to talk to strangers that's all."
"But I am not a stranger. I've known you all your life." she said.
"What do you mean? I don't know you. This is the firs time I meet you." I said, trying to remember if I had seen her before.
"Oh look, there we are. We found our way back. There are your friends. Look they are looking for you. See they did miss you."
I ran towards my Dad, who looked desperate and as if he had been crying for hours. "Oh thank God! Juancarlos I was so scared. Oh thank you God thank you!" he said in between hugging me so tight I could barely breath.
"Dad, I'm ok. I'm ok." I said trying to console my father. "This nice lady helped me, She said she's known me all my life. Her name is Alanis. But I don't think I've met her ever."
"Alanis.." I said looking around, she had to be around still. "Her right there." I pointed where Alanis stood next to a big tree in a slight opening behind the line of tents.
"I don't see anyone there" my dad mused.
"She's right there Dad!" I yelled. Alanis winked, smiled and stretched her hands in the "long distance hug gesture" From her back two giant wings extended. "Wow! She's an Angel Dad!"
My father patted my head and said "Let's go buddy you've had enough excitement for today. Time to go to sleep" and begin to walk towards our tent.
I looked back but Alanis had left. this would not be the last time I would see her. Nor would it be the last time I would see an Angel. But those are stories for another day.

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